King of Antioxidants - The Unbearably Delicious Blueberry

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Summertime. And the living is easy. Nothing lives on in our memory like the flavor of organic blueberries. Fresh picked blueberries are unforgettable. Not too sweet, plump, with the mildest sour note, they refresh and satisfy the most jaded palate.

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Blueberries are the king of antioxidants thanks to a flavonoid called anthocyanin They’re low in calories, high in nutrients like vitamins B6, C & K, and they’re known to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Blueberries can help bone strength, skin health, blood pressure and mental health.

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Blueberries are best eaten fresh. Not only are they succulent and delicious but freezing them significantly reduces their anthocyanin. Blueberries fiber content increases satiety, or the feeling of being full, reducing caloric intake. Blueberries are simply good for healthy digestion.

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At Versailles Farms we offer fresh succulent blueberries freshly picked by hand from an organic farm in the Adirondacks. They’re organic, plump, savory and sweet.


We like to eat blueberries by themselves. But we also like ‘em with orange blossom essence, with a squeeze of lemon or on top of vanilla ice cream. Blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins and blueberry pie are our favorite summer comfort foods. Sauté blueberries with butter and sugar or infuse them in vodka for 3 months for a delicious American-style schnapps.

Blueberry Recipes

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